The heterogeneity of Primary School students is increasing. Today, the education system supports the integration of pupils with special educational needs when it is possible. As we have discussed above, we need to promote educational inclusion of students in regular classrooms and not educate them in special schools. Among these students, we can speak of children with different disorders, one of them is Asperger Syndrome.
Asperger syndrome (AS) is a severe developmental disorder, considered a neuro-biological disorder in which there are deviations or abnormalities in some aspects of development.

According to different studies, this disorder is quite common and three to seven children per thousand suffer this disorder. Researchers have claimed that is more prevalent in boys than in girls. Some features of this disorder are:
-Difficulties to interact with the society
-The behaviors of these children are repetitive
-Motor difficulties
-Difficulties to understand the feelings of the others
-Difficulties in communicative language
-Low cognitive and behavioral flexibility
-Difficulties in nonverbal communication
-Difficulties to understand the intentions of the others
In the video we can see different people who suffer from this disorder and they tell us how they live with this:
-Alejandro Is a child who is thirteen years old. He tells us that her teacher told him that he was stupid. A classmate called Moisés, made him bulling, he lowered his pants, etc.
-Darko is twenty year old and he was diagnosed with this disorder when he was fourteen. He finds it difficult to relate with other people. Also he says that in the future, he is going to be a teacher and he wants to marry and have a family.
-Cesar Is a child who has Asperger's Syndrome and he wants to be a paleontologist and build a world of dinosaurs. He thinks that if he were another child, his life would be better.
-Cristina esplains that a person with Asperger's Syndrome is a person who wants to fit in the society, but this person does not know what is doing wrong. She has difficulty living in a world that she does not understand. People who suffer this disorder act in different ways, they are enclosed into themselves and they are afraid of being hurt.
The situation of these children in the classroom is very difficult. They do not feel understood, they are not adapted to the learning process and they do not understand the intentions of their classmates. A teacher must do everything possible to help these children.
To begin, we need some resources and a school curriculum adapted to these problems to prevent exclusion and promote educational inclusion. Thus, if these children are educated with other children who have special needs, they will be motivated and they will learn to relate with them.
Some of the qualities that should have a teacher to treat these children are: be flexible, be patient, be firm, be empathetic and try to take the place of the child, have a sense of humor, etc. To promote this educational inclusion, also we should adapt the classes to the necessities of this children. For example, change the educational environment, the open and noisy classrooms are not recommended. The class must be orderly, calm and avoid changes in school.
Finally, the teacher has to facilitate the integration of children with Asperger Syndrome in the classroom and in the educational system. We must avoid the marginalization of these children and promote inclusive education.
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