Gonzalo Gallego Clemente. 1ºMEPB.
This group talked about how ITC resources and how this
resources could help to improve teachers’ methodologies, administration issues,
class environment, communication between schools… This tool if it’s properly
use by teachers and pupils can open a
variety set of possibilities. Digitil systems promote interaction which is
equal to social learning between the children interaction with technologies and
among their classmates and teachers. Technology causes a big problem for
teachers, it is in continuous development. So teachers need to be prepare to be
in continuous training to manage this resources and explore the advantages of
this tools. For last, there are many
interesting apps that foment equally learning and enjoyment and which is
traduced into motivation between students. And there are many electronic
objects that could be used in a class as robots to motivate children with own-experience
This group explained why is so important to teach
children to interpret their emotions and social reactions in order to get a
higher understanding of how is society in general. To develop this knowledge
the teachers should continually ask children how they feel and how they are.
They should prepare activities in which children would be in different
situations and tell us about how they feel in each one of them attending to the
differences emotions and stimulus that are implicit in each activity. All this
activities are oriented to prevent possible negative attitudes inside a
classroom as bullying that is the main problem between children nowadays. For
last they teach us how to develop empathy in class through an activity “Walk on my shoes” that consist on putting on each
other’s shoes facing different conflicts and exanimating the different emotions
and solutions that are born with this conflict and the different solutions and
feeling of the different members of the class towards the same conflict.
They started their expositions talking about why some
issues as bullying, exclusion… Are produced nowadays inside schools. They talk
about what is the role of the teacher in this cases mediating between students
and how the students could transform their roles into mediators aswell. Then
they talk about a book “ the arqueology of feelings” in which are described five steps to link feelings with learning that
are: excavate, discover, investigate, protect and expose. Finally they put a
video in which are more clear the ideas
about mediation and how to mediate since different positions and contexts.
SCHOOLS. Amigos del football.
In this exposition the topic was “inclusive schools” and
they give us a variety set of characteristics about how an inclusive school
should be. Then they give us the
differences between integration in which kids with difficulties prepare
themselves to enter to schools, and inclusion in which kids don’t need
preparation to enter to schools because they already inside the school. The
main difficulties that stop this inclusion are economic and social aspects that
at this moment are not solved but it depends on society to change this
difficulties into advantages. For last they give us two real example in which
inclusion education is applied “O’Peluro” and “Amara Perri” that are two school
in Spain that use this method.
They explained us what are the main incapacities that we
can find in a classroom. This incapacities are: autism, down’s syndrome and motors
disabilities. In their map they reflect what are the main difficulties that
this kids have as: socialization, distractions, unadapted facilities… The
solution that they give to answer this difficulties is technology. Technology can help this kids
giving them integration support, helping concentration and comfort, through
tools as MP3s, cameras, tablet…
LEARNING. Musical chairs.
Resuming in one phrase their work is the coordination
between teachers, pupils and parents. This method is meant to promote the
feeling of a community inside a school or the school being a community in which
all their members help each other to improve their community. To get a good coordination between the
individuals it is necessary the existance of cooperation, collaboration,
comprehension… And there is process to get a good coordination and it has three
In the first phase we think about the all
possibilities that could improve our center (Classroom, methodologies…)
In the second phase we select the more
factible possibilities to improve our centre.
In the third phase we have to put it in
In a school there many aspects that need to be consider.
In one hand we have social aspects as the involucration of parents in their
children education and the different relationship that need to stablish with
the different teachers and viceversa and how this relationships could help the
learning process of the kid. In other hand we have economic aspects in which
are include the budget and the resources that a school should give to students
in order to facilitate their learning as ICT methodologies but sometimes this
resources can’t be given because of the
budget but there are some issues as school adaptation for children incapacities
that should be in the first place in the money inversion. And for last learning
aspects in which we could include teachers’ metholody, pupils’ attitude, pupils
interaction… And we need to have clear the main problems that we could fight
along our teachers’ carreers as bullying and the solutions that we need to give
to solve this problem and the mediation with kids that are going to be the
creators of this problems.
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