Hogwarts is our Home

Hogwarts is our Home

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

Our exposition

Hello everybody! Our exposition's day too many people eas missing and we though it was a great idea to put our exposition on the blog to show it everybody want to see it.

Gonzalo started the exposition presenting our group: how you can see we're Dumbledore Teachers' Army and it's compound by Adalisa, María, Gema and Gonzalo.

Then, Ada and María explained our working tables:

At Last, Gema showed our video to the rest of the class:

It has taken us too many time because as you will see we have search for some scenes of Harry Potter films to express the things that we don't like about the actual schools and things that are similar to our ideal school or the method that we want to follow too.

We could say that our video has like three parts:

  • The first part is compund by some problems that we can find nowadays in education. For this part we have relationed them with some scenes of the films. To make it clear we have recorded too many scenes representing things that we want to change. For example one scene is about parents in the school and the education and Ada (Girl's mother) and María (Teacher) are talking about a girl's problem because the mother thinks that it's a school problem but the teacher say that it's a home problem because the education start with the parents. 
  • The second part is OUR IDEAL SCHOOL. Our values are represented by Maria's photos and then we explain too many things about our ideal school with videos of Ada and Gonzalo talking about, for example, teachers. 
  • The third part and the final one is like an activity that we are going to do in our ideal school for motivate children. We think that it's important to show how we want to work in our school so we have designed this activity based in Harry Potter too.

We hope we have enjoyed our exposition!

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