Gonzalo Gallego Clemente
1º MEP-B.
My ideal school.
The school
I would create referring to the students needs in the 21st century
would be:
The docents
in my school will work towards an ethic
and educational way of teaching in which values such as; respect,
collaboration, cooperation, honesty, effort... Are implicit in the
methodologies they employ with the pupils looking towards a global education. In
this school the teachers will provide academic and social skills equally,
always looking towards the good of the children (Wanderlust). The phrase that
will collect all this values and would be the slogan of my school is: “Children must be taught how to think, not
what to think” . Margaret Mead
Building and installations.
The main
point we part from in this issue is to create different spaces for different
activities depending on what we want to work (Team peark). If we want to work
sports we will need an area to practice them but if we want to work the pupils’
writing we would do it in a quiet environment. But this is not adjustable only
towards the general point of view as I have explained it is also to adapt the
classes to the knowledge is being given inside that space. If we want to teach
science we will have green areas where teachers could give self-experience
lessons to pupils where the knowledge is reflected in nature, not books. (Vídeo
Youtube 2º) Another thing referring to the classrooms I will design for my
school would be:
would be open, luminosity and colorful areas that incite children to enter and
explore by themselves this spaces, always giving a place to curiosity that is
where the real learning is hide. This classroom will have a mobile furniture that
could be adapted to the different methodologies the teachers will employ.
(Musical chairs.)
And finally,
our installations and docents will be adapted to every child and this means
from adapting the toilet for a disabled child, to have docents trained in sign language
for deaf-mute pupils. (Crónicas
We need to
explore more on how a children thinks in order to create attractive
methodologies that represent fun and freedom rather than boredom and
obligation. In my school the pupils will develop the all different dimensions
of thinking but I will ask my docents to center in developing critical and
creative thinking (Crónicas viajeras.) through cooperative learning based in
the children interest. I will ask them a formative evaluation, asswell, of every child in which their difficulties and
problems are reflected not in a few numbers. (Musical chairs.) And for last our
docents we will have the opportunities to take new formation courses on methodologies, technologies… Anything they
think is useful for their work. (Team Perk.)
In my
school as I have said before pupils will be taught in social and academic
skills equally. So the time will be distributed moreless equally in this two
disciplines. For each 90 minutes of class working, the pupils will enjoy of 45
minutes of break. Then, the pupils day would be:
90 MIN
CLASS (Math, language, science…) - 45 MIN BREAK - 90 MIN CLASS
(Math,language,science…)- 45 MIN BREAK
their journal would have a total of 4.5 hours, starting at 9 a.m and finishing
classes at 13:30 pm trying to leverage learning through enjoyment. (Amigos del
Parents and teachers.
We are
looking towards an union between parents and teacher towards the education of
their children. Teachers and parent need to cowork in order to not confuse the
child and give them a properly education, we need to eliminate the prejudices
that are over the teacher proffesion and create a relation of friendship where friend- means child and -ship means education referring to the
education that need to be given through teachers and parents. This is why my school
will have open days where parents could come to a class a participate with
their child following the dynamic of the lesson. (Crónicas viajeras.)
nowdays, we are surrounded of technology: TV, laptops, smarthphones, tablets,
watches... The technological revolution has reached the all aspects of hour
daily life, at least, in countries from the first world. For example, since a
person wakes up, he or she does use of technology turning on the light. Then
he/she has to have breakfast, getting out the milk that is in the fridge to
stay cold, or making a coffe using the coffe maker either making the toast in
the toaster. Afterwards he/she has to dress up for; school,work,college... But
before that he/she uses the shower to clean up her/himself. So his/her day
hasn't begun and he/she already has used several technological objects in order
to follow with a regular day. So now is time to introduce technology not as a
resource as a methodology technique inside the educational world. Even though
my school won’t have all the ultimate technologies, we will mix traditional
tools and technologies always trying to promote education and values.

House tournament. (D.T.A)
In my group
we have created a tournament in which the all school and all their members are
include. We will make an heterogeneous group mixing ages, sizes, razes… And
they will “healthy” compete to gain the tournament in which there are no losers,
the all school wins. In class these
group of people will receive points as they do things right but not only in
class, in a break if a teacher sees a good attitude from a pupil, this pupil
could receive points aswell for his/her group. Finally the last day, would be a
celebration day in which the winner would be revealed.
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