This blog want to be a box to share our School Organization's works because it can be usefull and interesting for other people. We're Harry Potter's fans; we're Dumbledore teachers' army. ~I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.~ Alice in Wonderland
Hogwarts is our Home

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016
Adalisa's personal reflection about cooperative learning presentations.
This group was the first who started exposing their project. I liked the work of this group. The contents were explained very clear, specially the definition of cooperative learning and I quite liked the poster they did. One of the things that has highlighted this group and I found very interesting is the following: The teacher is like a guide who directs the student throughout the learning process. I think the same, a teacher has a very important role in the lives of students and they should help and motivate them, so the students can acquire a lot of knowledge. It is also important that students trust teachers and tell them their difficulties and problems, so teachers will know what steps to take.
Regarding the activity was very entertaining and fun. They brought some boxes and each box was owed a country. We had to decorate boxes and expose what we knew about that country. It was a fun activity and of course, an example of teamwork, as each one of us brought any ideas for activity and ultimately improve our knowledge of that country.
This group also did a good job of cooperative learning. They explained the contents clearly like a travel tour. Regarding rules groupware, it is the part that I liked. When we decided to take a trip, get into the suitcase things that are important and necessary and which are not, we leave them at home. In this case, comparing this with cooperative learning, our colleagues have told us what some of the rules that we must consider in cooperative learning.
Rules that must be considered during the process: be respectful, be empathetic, be generous with our partners, encourage motivation, etc.
Attitudes that we must leave at home: aggressiveness, irony, shyness, etc.
Regarding the activity, we had to take an object souvenir of a trip we have done. Then we had to get out in front of the whole class and explain what place is and why it is special to us. It was fun.
I really liked this presentation because the group members have clearly explained the contents that includes cooperative learning. They have also added extra information that I found very interesting. For example, different skills as a trust-building, leadership, decision-making, conflict management, etc. I liked the group has talked about the feedback, I think it is a very important element that promotes student learning and allows them to go further and not stay with the basic information they have acquired. A member of the group explained through drawings how they can form the drawings, it was a good clarification, because many times we lose the thread of the conversation and do not understand the information they want to convey. Something I had not stopped to think and this group has taught me is this: We can`t be teachers of losers.
Regarding the activity, I found fun and very useful.
The activity was that we had to close our eyes and the members of this group had to hit us a sticker on the front. There were stickers of different colors and we had to form groups with people who had the same sticker us. In my opinion it is a good activity since, unable to speak and to understand through gestures, we have managed to form teams that had the same color sticker. This can be useful for example when a person in the group who cannot speak the language, is an example of cooperative learning, as group members do not exclude that person, but try to communicate with her in any way. Finally, I think that many times though we are speaking and want to convey something in words, but the gestures we do consciously and unconsciously speak louder than our words.
In my opinion, this group has made a good presentation and added additional useful information. They have also reflected this information in a Prezi and have explained the importance of the roles and the roles have to be rotating. The teacher can intervene in guiding students to do different roles and I think it is a good idea, as well eliminate the monotony in groups and members can work different content and not always the same.
Finally, I liked the activity because we have put in a circle and we have passed the ball while we were saying things we like and things we do not. I consider it a good activity, because in the end we got a group with people who have similar tastes to ours. For example, this activity can be very useful for students because it allows them to know better and know the tastes of their peers, then they will decide whether to have a friendly relationship.
I also like the presentation made by this group, although they added something that caught my attention and are the advantages and difficulties that may arise in cooperative learning. The members emphasized the importance of motivating students when they have difficulties and reward students when they get established goals.
Regarding the activity, I think it can be useful for students to know. The activity was that, in groups, we had to write our names, favorite colors… and then see what things we had in common. For example, it may be useful in the early going or mid-course if there is a new student and want to know your colleagues and vice versa.
I liked the presentation they have done. The contents have been explained clearly and fluently. I liked a lot and I found interesting that they have gone to school and have made themselves the distribution of the tables in the classroom. It's a good way to learn and familiarize ourselves with what we can find in class, because in the future we will be teachers and can implement all the content that we acquire throughout the university. It seems very important that the group has stressed that each person has a role in the group.
Regarding the activity they have proposed, was that each member of each group had to say a rule and pass the ball to someone else to do the same, I found it fun and useful. Students can review the rules of the class and have fun at the same time.
What I liked about this presentation is that they have chosen another way of explaining the contents of cooperative learning, for example through videos. I also like that they have taken advantage of the ability of a member to draw, because by drawings and visually, we understand and we remember content through our visual memory. Technical equipment were explained by drawings and turned me entertained. Regarding the activity, being the last, the group told us we had to make groups and write what we like cooperative learning and less. It was not a fun activity, but I think it was very useful, as it was of review to see what we had learned and if we had any questions about cooperative learning.
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