Hogwarts is our Home

Hogwarts is our Home

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Leadership and school effectiveness

The topic i'm talking about is school effectiveness and leadership.
For School effectiveness is important to know it's very different from Education effectiveness, that is related with the system, the laws, the formal changes.. and from the school improvement (the dynamic to application of the research results) too because the union of School improvement and the school effectiveness is the best way to improve the education: the results of school effectiveness research provide lickely content for school improvement. For school improvement is important effective teaching and efective learning, that is compound by other important topics: Supportive classroom climate, cognitive activation and structure and classroom management.
Effective teaching have got too many variables like the oportunity to learn, the orientation, cooperative learning... that are explained on it.

At last we can say that school effectiveness is the level of a goal allunment of a school. It's importanto to remind the context because is the principal support and there are different and alternative criteria to make it possible,

On the other side we have Leadership: According to the UNESCO the best leadership is to transform feels, actitudes and opinions, practices... to improve the culture in the school so we can say thet it's the key to improve the school.

All people are include on this area: Teachers, Society, Parents, the Principal and obviously children. It's a union on all things and person because it's improve by the best motivation.

For finish, there are different types of leadership in the school depending on the person who supports the high weigh and the objetives. Thys types are Instructional, transformational, moral, participative and managerial.

This is my presentation for explain it in class. In this part are my videos too.

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