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Hogwarts is our Home

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Personal reflections about cooperative learning.

Gonzalo Gallego Clemente.  1º MGEP-B.

Musical chairs. (1º group.)
The ideas that this group exposed about cooperative learning are plenty but they based their work on four permanent ideas:
·         Share ideas: in a work group, is necessary that all its members have voice and speak up when they think they have something interesting to say in order to improve the report that all are doing. In the other side, they have to respect each other’s’ point of view when they don’t have the same perspective of the same task.
·         Creating a noncompetitive environment: through cooperative learning structures, students are more likely to cooperate with the others students of the class rather than compete against themselves for the best individual grades.
·         Getting knowledge/learning from your equals (pupils.) : cooperative learning is an opportunity to create a good environment in class in which the pupils become teachers of others pupils. So the teacher is not the only knowledge font, everyone in the class have a voice and their own knowledge. This kind of working tries to lead children to cooperate in order to get a high understanding about the task, the teacher requires.
·         Diversity: in the work groups, you may find people that you don’t feel comfortable with or different respect you but that’s the key. The diversity within a group is what makes cooperative learning succeed, the members of your group are going to see, know or manage  things you may don’t see, know or manage and viceversa.
The best thing that I have found in this work is the concept of cooperative learning as a noncompetitive method of giving class. Even though I think competition, is good for all aspects of life because you always try to improve yourself and get better results. But maybe it is because since I was a little kid the system has taught me to beat the others and not to cooperate with them. Creating a noncompetitive environment in class through cooperative learning favors to children because the main thing the teacher wants them to reach is cooperation, an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit; joint action. So their actions will not interfere and cut others action, everyone wins.
The ideas I give to this group to improve their work are to be more creative and develop better the things they think are different from others groups, giving more curious data to make cooperative learning funnier.
Amigos del football.
This group follows the script of the group before. The more remarkable ideas I select are:
·         Improve imagination by discussing: the magic about this learning technique is discussing. Through discussing with others we improve our communication skills and we increase our own personal development defending our point of view but letting others speak to you and consider their opinion. Thanks to discussing, you make more connections in your brain so you can create more things because you know more things.
·         Participate in the group: all the members in the group need to have an active role in the work and group discussing. Everyone needs to talk and work.
·         Celebrate if their work is successful: the group may accord a date to go out and have fun if they think their work is very good. (Celebrating is a way to motivate yourself to other goals)
The best concept I get from this exposition is the activity, how to get to know pupils and make them know each other through visual language. Drawing a circle and writing on it our hobbies, it is an easy way to start a relationship, showing yourself to the rest of the class and knowing which members of the group share these hobbies.
The ideas I give to this group in order to improve their good work is to investigate more and get to deeper dots that they may think other groups has not reached yet trying to be more original and transmit their own personality in their work.
Team Perk.
The main ideas I extract from their presentation are:
·         Establish different rolls in each group: secretary, responsible, responsible assistant, secretary, responsible of the material… In each group they have to assign different functions to these rolls. Giving a roll to all members ensures that everyone is going to work because if one fail, everyone fails.
·         Group diary (work done each day and evaluation sheet): Each group will have a diary in which they write what they have done and what they have to do. They will have an evaluation sheet in which they will make a valuation of their work and extract the points the need to work more in order to get better results.
·         Establish rules together: The group need to set up some rules for the well-environmental work, and they need to establish them together so everyone will know the rules and accomplish them.
The best thing I got from this group, is the planning of the work. I saw how to make a good organization of the team members and functions: according dates, contents, documents, rolls… Organization is key to develop a great work, it gives you time to see errors and check them.
The ideas I will give to this group to improve their work by looking at other resources not only the one given by the teacher and bring some more curious things about cooperative learning.
Crónicas viajeras.
The main ideas that I’ve extracted from this group are:
·         Changing roles: in each group, specially in the jigsaw structure, each member has a roll but everyone needs to pass through all of them in order to get a learning from each section.
·         Group types: the teacher needs to assign different types of groups for different types of tasks. The teacher needs to know what are the characteristics of each type of group, and adjust what he/she wants to teach or work with each kind of group.
·         Don’t care what others think: working in groups requires to speak up what’s your opinion of what the group is going to do without any complaints, this cooperative learning structure helps shy people to be more talkative and get and active roll inside the class.
I think the main idea that this group transmit to the class was to not care about what others think about you. If you don’t have influences from others you are going to develop your own personality and principles, and even more important you get self-confidence. This is why I think cooperative learning is very useful because it helps pupils to develop not only academic skills, it teaches valors and behaviours that are nowdays, in our society.
The idea that I would incorporate into this group are some more visual resources because is always easier to associate contents with images, retaining more information in a fastest way.
Modern studies.
The three ideas that defined better their work for me are:
·         Critical thinking skills: team-work groups improve critical thinking skills because you employ discussion and reflection during the processes implicated in the correct development of the assignment.
·         Stress reduction: working with groups involves sharing the same grade of a project. The difficulty of this technique is to get everyone into an active attitude, but if everyone in a group works it will help to reduce the stress thanks to the sharing of the work and the pressure.
The best idea I get from this group is to introduce critical thinking skills concept into cooperative learning method. You depend from the others so you start reading some of their work, trying to find some mistakes and teaching your classmates how to check these mistakes. They will become a sporadic teacher, developing their critical thinking.
The idea I would give to improve their work would be to get a deep explanation of these point in class because since my point of view, it was a really interesting note that the rest of the groups didn’t think about.
The unknowns.
The main ideas that I got from the presentation of this group are:
·         Role rotating: the students have to change the roles they do in each task the teacher asked. This idea helps students to amplify their skills  in different areas getting more personal experience on them.
·         Teacher = guide: the role of the teacher changes, the teacher is not the General of the Army anymore. The teacher rather than being the General needs to be like a captain, leading his/her team to accomplish different objectives and purposes, helping them.
Finally, like all the other groups, they did their activity. It was fun and dynamic. We had to do a very large circle along all the classroom and we had to spend a ball saying things we liked and things that do not each time we receive the ball. Later we had to form group with those colleagues who had more or less our likes. It is a good activity not only for the students to know each other, also to the teacher to knows his students. The only thing that I would improve from this group is to make things more visuals and dynamic.
This group was the best of all, they explain the topic through a video. They didn’t have any content new so the best thing I extract from this presentation was the idea to transform a content/information from a book into a comedy scene. I think you learn a lot having fun and that’s what they did, make us laugh and enjoy through their work making us learn something new.
At the same time they were exposing the video, they were explaining the content and that, clarify some scenes from the movie that may not have been understood, being really dynamic and simple at the same time.
I wouldn’t give any advices to this group, I think they have the best idea to expose this topic in class, the contents were very good and they explained very well so I don’t have any mistakes or improvable things to say of this group.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Conclussions of María Schnell

Hello! On this post I will reflect about my partner's working:

On the one hand I want to explain I think the best thing this work have is the diversity of the contents because when the teachers bring us a big document and some information about one topic and demand a homework that can be do in our own way every group has different "important things" and topics to teach to the others because the things that are less important for me can be the most important for other partner. It makes that the works are very different and at last the learning is very complete: we learn our things and the things that explain other persons in their groups. 

On the other hand is important to speak about my learning process too: It's the first time I have worked trough cooperative learning and I could learn it's a good methodology to teach my future pupils because they learn too many things a part of contents like values, respect to the others' opinions, working in groups... but I think to learn how to learn through cooperative learning we should teach the pupils since they are very little because it's too difficult to follow the methodology when we're adults like in the university because we're not prepared to work in groups in the best way. One thing that have helped us too much is the working tables: it's a good method to organize the work and to make it equal for all of us. In this way all people are clear about her/his roles and his/her work to do it. 

How I have said previously the best thing of this work is de diversity:


This group talked about the importance of all person in the working group: all people have got voice and the same importance to make decisions in the group without take care the fact opinions: all voices are important. It makes real in two ways: our voice, like opinion, is important but we can look at this explaining that cooperative learning help to shy people to talk in the group and to be more sociable because all people have to speak in some moments and explain their thinking and their opinions to the others in the group to do a better work. 

The main idea this group have transmitted me is cooperative learning help in the development of the child and to develop their own personality because all people get a role in the class and in the group with different skills so all people can learn for all people. 

Crónicas Viajeras highlighted different types of working groups in order to make it clear: the responsible to make it is the teacher because is necessary to make different groups for different type of task. If the teacher knows the different types of groups and the skills of their pupils he/she can do this groups in a better way and it's more easy to teach the contents he/she wants. They highlighted the changing roles too: they explain very well the jigsaw structure about cooperative learning and it's too important to change the roles in a few time because in this way all people can be all things and they learn to do all things in the group. 

I think this presentation was very interesting and if i had to give an advice to this group I would said: ¡Be creative! I think they can improve their presentations if they are more interesting in the way of their presentations giving images related with the contents, making it more colorful or with a topic for example... definitively more visual to make it more clear.


Is nice to see the organization of this group because they made the most part of their work in classes hours and they haven't got to have too much meetings outside the classroom. Their work tables was incredible.

About cooperative learning his group prepared one of the best activities in the hole class: we had to draw a circle and then we have to write our hobbies, personal skills, our likes... inside so our partners could see a lot of things about our personality and our preferred things to spend our free time. I think it's a good method to know my partners and my parent's knows me. It's a good starting for a relationships between pupils in the same class. I think it's a good activity to do in my future as a teacher.

A part of the activity I think the presentation of this group have got a lot of remarkable ideas but I think that here are a review of the most important thing they have explained:

THE PARTICIPATION IN THE GROUP: All people should be an important person in the group so they should have a role and too many things to do in equal quantity of the rest of the group members. It means that everybody have to work hard making their "job" and everybody have to opine about the others' ideas and opinions to make it well.

DISCUSIING ARE THE BEST METHOD: This group proposed that trough discussions we reach the best idea because if all of we give their main ideas and their opinions about the other ideas the content is grown and improved increasingly. Teachers should teach to their pupils how to argue with respect and good arguments so children learn values too, a part of improve their communicate skills and development. They become aware too many times to hear is more important than to speak.

CELEBRATIONS: One think that caught my attention was their idea of celebration: they explained working group celebrations is a good motivation for the group: if they think this work is well they should go to celebrate it because cooperative learning isn't only to work so it is coexistence and having fun too in a few moments like this. If we celebrate our reach goals we will be more motivated to do the next work.

Their presentation collected the main ideas of cooperative learning but also it have got original things that other groups didn't pick up in their works, like de disadvantages to work in groups or the importance of reward all the pupils inside the work. It highlights the motivation too.

I think this group can be more original with their contents because they can investigate too much as they do for this job to try to be more useful and to teach interesting things for other groups but the presentation was great because it was funny and it was easy to follow it.

Irene, Bea, David and Ayperi.

This was the first presentation about cooperative learning and we can say how they have been preparing the presentation all together because the presentation was very fluent. 

The exposition was based in a guide building by the hole group about cooperative learning for people who don't knows anything about this method. They put in a poster the main ideas and concepts to explain to us in a better way. As a result it make clear the things they want to do it, 

They explain the most of the concepts of cooperative learning in the same way as the other groups: works with respect, all people have to collaborate, diversity is important, pupils can get knowledge form other pupils, the role of each boy and girl is important ... all things I explained yet but I think the original idea of this group is the non-competitive classes. I mean: they explain that cooperative learning is a method without competitiveness for teaching. To us is too complicate to think in a school without competitiveness because since we was very young the education teach to us to be competitive, to get the best mark, to get the best result in gymnastics for example or to do the best model in arts but really they don't teach us to learn. Now we're adults we can see that it's not necessary a A in a exam to think he have learned one topic but when I was a child the mentality was very different: If you pass the exam, you knows one thing. In fact if you don't pass the exam you haven't learned but they don't try you learn some things trough other methods. It's a pressure for children and it make it competitive. I think we should teach to the pupils to be competitive but in another way: only when it's necessary, for example, when we are doing oppositions because to reach your goal you have to be the best. While it's no necessary they have to coexist with harmony and helping their partners. 

I think this tool is very important inside cooperative learning: pupils have to understand they aren't in a competition, they are in a team and this times, together, forms a class. 

It was explained very well for the group and I feel identified because I think the same as musical chair's group. I really enjoy this presentation! 


This group made a prezi with their information about the topic to explain us it. It has got an index to structure the work, a good idea that nobody have. 

The content was the same as other groups. They stand out the role rotating that I have explained with "Crónicas viajera" and teacher as a guide. 

The activity they realize was very fun and different form the other activities in the class. We had to put in a circle along the classroom and, with a ball, we had to say things we like. Then the game changes to things that we don't like. It was for make teams with similar likes. For me, for example, the group was "Music lovers" and all people in my group love music or playing an instrument. It's a good idea to find people with similar hobbies inside the class and to know the rest of the class. With children it has got two functions, I think: on the one side the children knows the others and find people sharing their likes but on the other side the teacher knows his pupils, their likes and how they act in the classroom with different activities or games. 

To improve their presentations this "The unknowns" can do more dynamic presentations with visual things or making it with a theme related to de subject or their group. 


This group explained the main ideas as the same groups but they had in their presentation some ideas and things that other groups didn't talk about like "the group diary", for example. It's a method to do children involve in their own development. If they do a review all days thinking in the things that they are learning they can remind this things very well because they are aware they really are learning. Other different thing for this group is "Rules together": This group explain that in cooperative learning is necessary the group establish some rules, all together by a discussion for to do the work in a better way. In this way all knows the rules and the rules are a part of everyone. This different things from the other groups did the presentation was very interesting and we could learn more about this form to teach.

All thing that I think it's import from this group is the presentation: they made it putting photos of a real cooperative learning school so we can see how they work, the organization of the classes...

Their activity was a funny game too: We had to pass a tennis ball to our partners saying rules that our class should to have. I think it's a good form to make the rules of a class because all pupils can say a different rule and as a result we have got a very various norms in the class, for all.

For finished they made a great working tables: we can see a very very good organization in the group; I think they are working very well together! 


This group was very original because to explain their ideas of cooperative learning they did a poster whit a lot of things inside and we had to participate in their exposition because they explained the different skills on cooperative learning and the teacher ask to every group to explain a different skill.

They were the more interesting group for me because they explain a lot of interesting things I hadn't got idea. There are the main ideas I extract for their explication:

-TIPS FOR TEACHERS: For example, promoting positive independence, talking about group problems, being creative, preparing funny activities for children...

-CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: Trough cooperative learning work groups improve critical thinking skills because it employs discussion and reflection.

-STRESS: This group explain one method to reduce the stress in the class and the work groups because we should create in class a good environment to work and to stay during the classes. It's important for children because they are in a constant developmental process and we should make it easy.

The idea I can give to this group is to explain more about critical thinking because it's very interesting for our future as teachers and other groups didn't talk about it.

To finish, their activity was very funny: we were in a circle with our eyes closed and one person of their team brings to us a sticker with a color and then, when all of us were prepared we open our eyes and without speaking we have to find the persons who have our same color and to form a team with them.


The best idea to do the exposition: A VIDEO! They created some videos with the explication of different work groups (base, expertise and sporadic groups) and then they did a complete video formed by the little videos. It was easy to follow and funny because the most of videos was examples of this groups and not only the theory. It was a great job and it is hard too because doing this things you spend a lot of time.

The content was exactly the same as the other groups but I think the most flashy thing of this video is the way to extract the information to do a comedy with it and not a presentation o a poster. It's a good way to explain something and to make it clear.

In their activity we had to discuss a conclusion of cooperative learning, in groups. This was very productive because every group said one different thing and we made a good conclusion all together.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

¿What is cooperative learning?

This is our presentation about cooperative learning!


To make it we organized our work by working-tables:

Hi everyone!

Last week we finished with the team presentations about cooperative learning and here we leave our conclusion:

We're always doing projects in group but when we did this one about cooperative learning, we realized that work in groups or teams is more tan get into groups with your Friends, divide the work and finally put all the information in a document and give it to the teacher.

We have learnt that when we work in teams, the best way of doing it, it's with cooperative learning values. We think that this is the purpose of this subject, make a good use of cooperative learning for organize our future classes.

In this subject we're always gonna make a good use of cooperative learning because since the first day of class, our teacher divided us into heterogeneous groups, for example, in this team the members had never worked together. Also we are getting the ideas in common, making team plans and share our ideas with our partners in the way that we learn to respect the different one's that we have.

In our first proyect together we have made a Power Point with the theme of Daily Prophet, that it's Harry Potter's newspaper so we think that it's was good way to get the attention of the students. In it we included the definition of cooperative learning, some techniques, the criteria to be followed to form teams, types of working groups, etc.

For the activity, we made a questionnaire with some basic and personal questions: Students were placed in pairs and we distributed the questionnaires. At the end, each student had to describe his/her partner. We thought that it was a good activity because it fosters interest in students to know their peers and it could be very useful in early course or when a new student arrives.

Hope you enjoyed it!

MISCHIEF MANAGED (This is our way of end with the post that it's related to Harry Potter, in spanish: 'Travesura realizada')

Our conclusion of 'Cooperative learning'.

Hi everyone!

Last week we finished with the team presentations about cooperative learning and here we leave our conclusion:

We're always doing projects in group but when we did this one about cooperative learning, we realized that work in groups or teams is more tan get into groups with your Friends, divide the work and finally put all the information in a document and give it to the teacher.

We have learnt that when we work in teams, the best way of doing it, it's with cooperative learning values. We think that this is the purpose of this subject, make a good use of cooperative learning for organize our future classes.

In this subject we're always gonna make a good use of cooperative learning because since the first day of class, our teacher divided us into heterogeneous groups, for example, in this team the members had never worked together. Also we are getting the ideas in common, making team plans and share our ideas with our partners in the way that we learn to respect the different one's that we have.

In our first proyect together we have made a Power Point with the theme of Daily Prophet, that it's Harry Potter's newspaper so we think that it's was good way to get the

attention of the students. In it we included the definition of cooperative learning, some

techniques, the criteria to be followed to form teams, types of working groups, etc.

For the activity, we made a questionnaire with some basic and personal questions.

Students were placed in pairs and we distributed the questionnaires. At the end, each student had to describe his/her partner.

We thought that it was a good activity because it fosters interest in

students to know their peers and it could be very useful in early course or when a new

student arrives.

Hope you enjoyed it!

MISCHIEF MANAGED (This is our way of end with the post that it's related to Harry Potter, in spanish: 'Travesura realizada')

Gema's personal reflection about cooperative learning presentations.

Here I left my opinions and reflections about the presentations that the different teams made about cooperative learning:

Musical Chairs. This group is compound by Irene, Ayperi, Bea and David. They were the first team and I have to say that they weren't to much nervous and they did it really nice. They had a nice organization and they spoke well with a very fluent english.

They prepared all the exposition together and in the same way, I mean, when someone was speaking and the teacher stopped him/her asking another partner, we saw that they know what his partner was talking about.

They focus the presentation as it was a guide or a tutorial about cooperative learning for someone who doesn't know anything about it and they made a poster with the clear ideas and the main concepts of it.

Their activity was the boxes one. They created some teams and they gave them a box with some papers on it about a country. We had to decored it and search some information about tht country and then explain it to all the class.

I think that it was a really nice activity for promoting the participation with different partners and then for speak in public.

I liked so much that presentation.

Amigos del Football. This group was compound by: Alex, Sandra, Çisem and Melike.

In their presentation they had a really nice organization in their table where we could see that they made the most of the time that we had in class so they didn't have to meet outside our timetable.

They prepared a Power Point with the main ideas of cooperative learning and they talked about some things that the other groups didn't, for example the advantages and disadvantages of work in groups. They also talked about the importance of reward all the pupils and motivate them even if they don't do the things properly because we have to motivate them for the next time they will do it right or better.

I think that this was a really nice presentation with, in my opinión, one of the most usefull activities of cooperative learning.

Their activity was the one that was similar to a 'Diana'. It was for meet better to our team. There we had to write personal things as: favourite colour, what do we like to do in our free time and what was our favourite type of music. As I said before, this was one of the most usefull ones because we had to compare what we like and what we don't.

Team Perk. They were: Irina, Javi, Sara Granizo and Silvia.

They created a power point with the ideas of cooperative learning as the rest groups but they had something that the other didn't and it was really interesting. It was a sheet of evaluation and I think that it's a very useful thing.

Another important thing is that, for the power point, they went to a school for take pictures of the organization of the class for the cooperative learning. This make us see that they spend more time in the proyect.

Thei activity was really fun. It was the one with the tennis balls that consist on pass the ball to the partners of our time saying norms that a class have to have.

I think it was really funny and useful because it makes us see the different things that a class need to have for work properly.

Cronicas Viajeras. The members of this group are: Miguel Carazo, Zuleika, Elvira and Amaya.

This was a very original presentation because they used their name for making their power point. They showed us the cooperative learning as it was like a trip or something relacionated with it. I think that it was very original idea.

They explain really well the cooperative learning ideas and they had a good organization during the exposition in the team.

Their activity was about bring to the class something that remaind us a trip and we had to explain it to our partners of the team and then, one of them had to go out to the blackboard and explain it to the class.

In my opinión it was a good activity for talk with our team and know more things about us.

This is a very good example of cooperative learning where we share our knowledge and experiences.

Unknowns. This team is formed by: Alfonso, Virginia, Marina and Marta.

They created a prezi with the ideas of cooperative learning and I thing the most important and interesting of their work was the rotative roles and the importance that the teacher as a guide for them have.

This team introduced the topic of cooperative learning with an index, something that not to many groups did.

Their activity was really funny and usefull. It consisted on make a circle with the hole class and pass the ball saying what we like and what we didn't like. This was a nice method for knowing each other. For example, I dind't know too many things of the Erasmus girls but with that game they told us what their likes and dislikes are.

Modern Students. They are: María Encinas, Patricia, Borja, Shabaneh and Elia.

This group created a poster talking about cooperative learning and it was really good as the other ones that we saw. During this presentation we had to participate because there was a part about the different 'skills' on coopeartive learning where the teacher, Yolanda, asked each group to explain a skill.

In this presentation there was something that the teacher liked so much as it was the 'tips for teachers' for example: talking about group problems, promoting positive interdependance, etc.

They created a really funny activity that was the one of the stickers.

In this activity we had to close our eyes so our partners put us a sticker in the face. When we opened our eyes we had to find without talking, the oartners that had the same sticker as us.

It was really funny and usefull for make the kids interact and play with their partners.

Wanderlust. This team is compund by: Sara Mora, Miguel González and Belén.

This was the last team that showed us their presentation and it was the different one.

They didn't créate a power point, a prezi or a poster, they created some video for explain us de base, expertise and sporadic groups. They did it in a visual way so I think that because of that is better for us to understand it. I think that they worked a lot doing it and they did it really well. While they showed us the videos, they also explained what it was about so it was easier for us to understand it.

The activity that this team made was about in different groups we had to discuss a conclusión of cooperative learning. With that activity we made a good use of it because we share our different ideas of cooperative learning with partners of different teams.

Adalisa's personal reflection about cooperative learning presentations.


This group was the first who started exposing their project. I liked the work of this group. The contents were explained very clear, specially the definition of cooperative learning and I quite liked the poster they did. One of the things that has highlighted this group and I found very interesting is the following: The teacher is like a guide who directs the student throughout the learning process. I think the same, a teacher has a very important role in the lives of students and they should help and motivate them, so the students can acquire a lot of knowledge. It is also important that students trust teachers and tell them their difficulties and problems, so teachers will know what steps to take.
Regarding the activity was very entertaining and fun. They brought some boxes and each box was owed a country. We had to decorate boxes and expose what we knew about that country. It was a fun activity and of course, an example of teamwork, as each one of us brought any ideas for activity and ultimately improve our knowledge of that country.


This group also did a good job of cooperative learning. They explained the contents clearly like a travel tour. Regarding rules groupware, it is the part that I liked. When we decided to take a trip, get into the suitcase things that are important and necessary and which are not, we leave them at home. In this case, comparing this with cooperative learning, our colleagues have told us what some of the rules that we must consider in cooperative learning.
Rules that must be considered during the process: be respectful, be empathetic, be generous with our partners, encourage motivation, etc.
Attitudes that we must leave at home: aggressiveness, irony, shyness, etc.
Regarding the activity, we had to take an object souvenir of a trip we have done. Then we had to get out in front of the whole class and explain what place is and why it is special to us. It was fun.


I really liked this presentation because the group members have clearly explained the contents that includes cooperative learning. They have also added extra information that I found very interesting. For example, different skills as a trust-building, leadership, decision-making, conflict management, etc. I liked the group has talked about the feedback, I think it is a very important element that promotes student learning and allows them to go further and not stay with the basic information they have acquired. A member of the group explained through drawings how they can form the drawings, it was a good clarification, because many times we lose the thread of the conversation and do not understand the information they want to convey. Something I had not stopped to think and this group has taught me is this: We can`t be teachers of losers.
Regarding the activity, I found fun and very useful.
The activity was that we had to close our eyes and the members of this group had to hit us a sticker on the front. There were stickers of different colors and we had to form groups with people who had the same sticker us. In my opinion it is a good activity since, unable to speak and to understand through gestures, we have managed to form teams that had the same color sticker. This can be useful for example when a person in the group who cannot speak the language, is an example of cooperative learning, as group members do not exclude that person, but try to communicate with her in any way. Finally, I think that many times though we are speaking and want to convey something in words, but the gestures we do consciously and unconsciously speak louder than our words.


In my opinion, this group has made a good presentation and added additional useful information. They have also reflected this information in a Prezi and have explained the importance of the roles and the roles have to be rotating. The teacher can intervene in guiding students to do different roles and I think it is a good idea, as well eliminate the monotony in groups and members can work different content and not always the same.
Finally, I liked the activity because we have put in a circle and we have passed the ball while we were saying things we like and things we do not. I consider it a good activity, because in the end we got a group with people who have similar tastes to ours. For example, this activity can be very useful for students because it allows them to know better and know the tastes of their peers, then they will decide whether to have a friendly relationship.


I also like the presentation made by this group, although they added something that caught my attention and are the advantages and difficulties that may arise in cooperative learning. The members emphasized the importance of motivating students when they have difficulties and reward students when they get established goals.
Regarding the activity, I think it can be useful for students to know. The activity was that, in groups, we had to write our names, favorite colors… and then see what things we had in common. For example, it may be useful in the early going or mid-course if there is a new student and want to know your colleagues and vice versa.


I liked the presentation they have done. The contents have been explained clearly and fluently. I liked a lot and I found interesting that they have gone to school and have made themselves the distribution of the tables in the classroom. It's a good way to learn and familiarize ourselves with what we can find in class, because in the future we will be teachers and can implement all the content that we acquire throughout the university. It seems very important that the group has stressed that each person has a role in the group.
Regarding the activity they have proposed, was that each member of each group had to say a rule and pass the ball to someone else to do the same, I found it fun and useful. Students can review the rules of the class and have fun at the same time.


What I liked about this presentation is that they have chosen another way of explaining the contents of cooperative learning, for example through videos. I also like that they have taken advantage of the ability of a member to draw, because by drawings and visually, we understand and we remember content through our visual memory. Technical equipment were explained by drawings and turned me entertained. Regarding the activity, being the last, the group told us we had to make groups and write what we like cooperative learning and less. It was not a fun activity, but I think it was very useful, as it was of review to see what we had learned and if we had any questions about cooperative learning.

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